To view available businesses you will need to use the /shop command. Use the arrows to navigate and view each page by clicking “make a selection.”
There are a wide array of businesses to choose from to own such being Mc Donald's and other famous big brands and some of the more expensive businesses are custom ones within the bot such as Goated National Bank.
These businesses cost money however and only require a one-time purchase to keep forever (unless you decide to sell them of course please note that selling businesses will not give you the full amount you paid for them but instead, you will receive 50% of the original price)
To browse the catalog of businesses you will need to use the command /shop from there you can view the names and prices of each business and stocks (for more information on stocks please visit the page titled "Stock System"
To buy any business you will need to have the correct amount of money in on your person rather than in the bank assuming you have the right amount and use the /shop command you should have no issues buying a business of your choice.
The more expensive the business the higher the "rate" you will get (the rate meaning how much the business will pay you at hourly integers).
You can also obtain one special business by boosting the official 24/7 Casino server, this business rate is $20,000 an hour and is given automatically after your boost is registered.
Last updated